
Listen to Frank Ocean's new song 'Memrise'.

Listen to Frank Ocean's new song 'Memrise'.

Frank Ocean released a new song called 'Memrise' via his Tumblr page last night.

I've been waiting for this for SO LONG (I can't believe it's been two years since 'Channel Orange').

He also posted the lyrics on Tumblr:

I memorized the wayward expressions
Never look down 
Never let you see me down
I memorized the way no directions
Can I come over now 
I'd like to stay a little while 
I memorized your body exposed 
I could fuck you all night long 
From a memory alone

I never forget a face 
Don't go plastic on me 
Nothing's set in stone 
You're not dipped in gold
Dipped in gold
You can't breathe if you're dipped in gold
You are not on paper 
You are not a copy 
You're so, you're so..so thick, so thick

Listen to the song below…

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