Photo Diary: Pale Waves' 2018 Australia + New Zealand tour.
Photo Diary: Pale Waves' 2018 Australia + New Zealand tour.

Today is the 14th of September in the year 2018, which means that today is the day that Pale Waves' debut album 'My Mind Makes Noises' is bestowed upon the world with all its relatable self-analysis and shimmery kaleidoscopic feelings.
And during their first ever tour of Australia and New Zealand earlier this year, Pale Waves' Ciara Doran and Hugo Silvani put together a behind-the-scenes photo diary for us - featuring kangaroos, koalas, and some mutated fruit.
So check out the photo diary below, while you listen to 'My Mind Makes Noises'...
P.S. You can read our latest Pale Waves interview here.