
Introducing: Hailey Knox and her debut 'For The Best' EP.

Introducing: Hailey Knox and her debut 'For The Best' EP.

Hailey Knox's musical origin story began around the age of seven when she started to learn guitar before moving onto testing the waters with GarageBand a decate later.

Sharing her debut EP 'For The Best' last month, the New York born / Los Angeles raised artist is currently finding herself working to stay present. Marking the closing of a chapter is how Knox sees this body of work - taking its own form out in the world for people to listen to and connect to in their own ways. 

COUP DE MAIN: What is your songwriting process like? Does it always come before the production side of things?
HAILEY KNOX: It’s different every time. I do find myself drawn to melody more, and I usually let the feeling of the music lead me to what I want to say.

CDM: You've said that the EP is "about accepting what is. Reflections on when love hurts, growing together and apart, closing chapters, and starting new ones" - do you find yourself looking more towards the future or the past nowadays?  
HAILEY: Neither. I’m trying to find ways to stay present!

CDM: If you could describe the EP in three words - what would they be?
HAILEY: Just the beginning.

CDM: 'For The Best' marks your debut EP and now that it has been released out into the world, do you find that you have a different relationship with it? Or do you feel just as connected to the person you were when you made it?
HAILEY: I’m still connected and it’s nice to have these songs out. Revisiting some of the stories in the songs wasn’t easy so it’s nice to close that chapter.

CDM: "Heaven made you an angel, compliments above / But the devil's working all angles, and I'm falling for the lust," is one of my favourite lyrics from the EP - what was running through your mind when you wrote the track 'Don't Matter'?
: This song felt very free to write. I think I wasn’t thinking too deep about it, but the concept of that line is just wanting the shiny thing even if it pokes you.

CDM: Do you have a personal favourite song from the project?
: One of my favourites is 'Don’t Matter'. It was one of the last songs I put on the project but I love the feeling of that one.

CDM: You've discussed in the past that the best thing to happen this year would be to collaborate with SZA - are you any closer to achieving this dream?  
: I hope so! Would still love to work with her. Just need to make the right song!

Hailey Knox's debut EP 'For The Best' is out now - watch a live performance of the project below:

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