Severance Masthead

The Best Songs Of 2023.

The Best Songs Of 2023.

A good song is a true companion through every up or down, but a perfect song contributes irreplaceable connection and community to your life - a comforting reminder that you're not alone in the world.

From Ryan Beatty's burning images of a relationship falling apart through a kaleidoscope of memories in 'White Teeth', to Taylor Swift combing through memories of an ex-lover turned stranger ("Did you get anxious though / On the way home? / I guess I'll never, ever know / Now that we don't talk"), the feeling of someone knowing you better than you know yourself with Boygenius, or Billie Eilish writing a song for Barbie and coming to terms with some hard-truths ("I'm sad again / Don't tell my boyfriend"), and Olivia Rodrigo doing what she does best in deciding between spite and love for a man not worthy of her ("So I miss him some nights when I'm feeling depressed / 'Til I remember every time he made a pass on my friend"), we felt it all in 2023 - even if it was living vicariously through perfect songs.

From us, to you (in descending order), below are 50 songs that made 2023 better:

P.S. Click here for our Best Albums Of 2023 list!

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