#1 Mini Mansions fan Alex Turner does some modelling/cosplay.
#1 Mini Mansions fan Alex Turner does some modelling/cosplay.

Alex Turner - a.k.a. President of the official Mini Mansions fan club - tonight pulled off his greatest cosplay to date, by stealing himself one of MM’s own gang jackets to wear whilst joining the band on-stage for 'Vertigo' at their New York headlining show.
I assume he helped himself to a jacket backstage at the gig, but 300% of my brain hopes that Alex actually paid MM good money so that he could have his very own gang jacket.
Check out this product placement:
And if you too, are planning to dress up as a Mini Mansions member this Halloween, then you can order yourself a MM gang jacket HERE via the band’s official webstore.
However, unless you’re personal/family friends with MM, you will be receiving a navy blue jacket instead of the original faded black colourway.
I like that they’ve kept them separate though. Keeps their special!
Here’s some other stuff you also get as presents with your jacket 'cuz MM are generous humans:
And now, you may watch some video clips of Alex Turner modelling the jacket that I’ve just spent forever talking about...