
Thomston shares new song 'Faithfully'.

Thomston shares new song 'Faithfully'.

"But if I lay down and close my eyes, I've got a photographic memory of your brighter sides," sings Thomston on his new track, 'Faithfully' - recorded in Leroy Clampitt’s Los Angeles studio. Alongside the track, he has also shared a video shot in Phoenix, Arizona, over 3 consecutive sleepless nights to escape 46 degrees celsius heat.

On the song, Thomston explains: "There’s a running joke with autobiographical songwriters in relationships, where people say "be careful, they might write a song about you!” 'Faithfully' is a mission statement for all the music going forward, basically a commitment to telling it like it is. The older I get, the more interested I am in complex interpersonal conflict, how we lash out when we’re hurt, how our sense of self can shift and change, how we can remember people differently than how they really are. I’m singing directly to my partner, essentially promising “no matter what happens with us, I’ll never turn you into a villain for a song.”"

Watch the video for 'Faithfully' below...

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