Interview: Introducing Orange County's Precious Kid.

California's Precious Kid wear their hearts on their sleeves - sassy ("It's not the question of whether I like you, it's just the question of whether I feel like it" in 'Dirty Disposition'), straight-talking ("I’m wasting so much time being jaded, but I don’t wanna be jaded" in 'Jaded'), and sometimes scathing ("Was it worth the love song? Now you're by your lonesome, baby" in 'Was It Worth the Love Song').
Fierce as hell, with self-declared interests of "wreaking havoc in the supermarket, karaoke, cyberbullying Dr. Phil," and a mutual love for The 1975, what's not to love about the Orange County band?
Coup De Main met Precious Kid's Justine Dorsey and Kassie White in Los Angeles this past summer to discuss their debt to a "cool accountant", songwriting process, and the Jonas Brothers...
I was thinking about what it means to risk loving someone or something - when it all falls apart, is it worth the beauty and joy you experienced? And as an artist, is your heartbreak worth what you can make out of it?

COUP DE MAIN: How does your songwriting process work?
PRECIOUS KID - JUSTINE DORSEY: My writing process is never quite the same, and it definitely morphs with what I have available to me. At the moment I start with a shitty Garageband demo of a drum loop and a synth or guitar part, listen to that a thousand times, and then wait around for a title that matches the energy of the song. I can’t really write lyrics until I have a title, which some people hate doing but I love. I think it comes from writing so many essays in college - a song title is like a thesis statement for me. Once a song is done I send it off to Kassie and she writes her bass part, and we figure out drums and other guitar parts in the room with the rest of our band.
PRECIOUS KID - KASSIE WHITE: Justine is amazing at creating a vibe and running with it which makes my job very easy. I swear to you her voice memos are radio ready. When writing bass-lines I try to have as much movement as possible without impeding on other crucial parts of the song.
CDM: At what age did you write your very first song ever, and why?
JUSTINE: I was 13! I fully started writing because of Taylor Swift. The song was called 'English Rose' and it was very sweet and nothing like what I write today. (Still my mom’s favourite, of course.)
CDM: What was running through your mind while writing your new song 'Was It Worth The Love Song'?
JUSTINE: The chorus. The melody came to me fully formed when I was in the shower and I remember singing it over and over so I wouldn’t lose it before I got to my phone. Conceptually, I was thinking about what it means to risk loving someone or something - when it all falls apart, is it worth the beauty and joy you experienced? And as an artist, is your heartbreak worth what you can make out of it?

CDM: Justine, according to Genuis you co-wrote 'Jaded' with your sister Kerris?
JUSTINE: I didn’t write ‘Jaded’ with Kerris, actually! We don’t write a lot together but she’s the first person I go to for advice on a song. She’s an incredible songwriter and sends me demos all the time. I’m dying for people to hear her songs. They’re so good. I can’t wait for her to put them out.
CDM: What's your favourite song that you've written so far?
JUSTINE: We haven’t put it out yet!!
KASSIE: I have Shiny New Toy Syndrome with songs, the latest song we've written is always my favourite!
CDM: What do you think is the difference between a good song and a great song?
JUSTINE: A good song is every song that has ever existed, and a great song is 'Borderline' by Madonna.
KASSIE: The bassline and vocal melody.

CDM: Do you think of Precious Kid as a duo or more people/friends in the band?
JUSTINE: I think of Precious Kid as a live band! Kassie has been here since the beginning so that’s why it’s always the two of us in pictures. <3
CDM: How did you first meet each other?
JUSTINE: My dad’s accountant. There’s really no way to make that sound cool, but he is a very cool accountant.
KASSIE: After cool accountant recommended me to play bass with Justine, we first met at her solo gig on a golf course. I heard her original songs and I knew this gal was goin' places and I had to be in a band with her.
CDM: Have you been enjoying making your own music videos?
JUSTINE: Yes!! My favourite activity is watching music videos. It’s even more fun making them.

CDM: Kassie, what's your favourite Jonas Brothers anecdote/memory?
KASSIE: My 16-year-old self's Jo Bro fan fiction dreams came true a few years ago. I was at a party and spotted Nick and Joe. I danced with Joe for no more than 30 seconds and had an awkward encounter with Nick and my very drunk friend. It was on this night that I realised the book 'The Secret' is true.
CDM: This next question is from Wallows: "Who from Wallows was the best Precious Kid drummer?"
JUSTINE: Braeden for sheer enthusiasm.
KASSIE: I have a vivid memory of Braeden standing up mid-set and walking a 360 degree circle around the kit while still playing. Apologies to Cole and Dylan, but ya can't beat those style points.
CDM: What's on your bucket-list?
JUSTINE: To do literally anything with The 1975, and to get really good at guitar.
KASSIE: To play a show on the Las Vegas strip is the dream. Criss Angel, you're on the guestlist.
CDM: And what's next for Precious Kid?
PRECIOUS KID: An EP, babyyy!

Watch Precious Kid's music video for 'Was It Worth The Love Song' below...