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Interview: 2020 Must-Know - Peach Tree Rascals

Interview: 2020 Must-Know - Peach Tree Rascals

Peach Tree Rascals introduce themselves to the world saying, “We're the Rascals and we do the best with what we’ve got, even if it’s not much," and what they've managed to do thus far is impressive, with the five-piece collective garnering millions of streams on each of their releases.

Each of the twelve songs currently available to listen to on Spotify (the latest being the relatable 'Things Won't Go My Way') is an ode to the collective's ability to not fit in any pre-defined musical box. Instead, there's a running thread through their musical output so far of positivity and uplifting spirit that can't help but transfer to the listener.

Made up of Dominic Pizano (producer/mixer), Jorge Olazaba (creative director), and three rapper/singers with Issac Pech, Tarrek Khaliq, and Joseph Barros, the group first met at high school in San Jose and self-funded their musical endeavours, which sees them to this day take a full hands-on approach in writing, recording, producing their music and accompanying visuals and videos.

With the promise of even more new music on the way, Peach Tree Rascals look only to share their positivity with more people.

MUST-LISTEN: 'Mango', 'Things Won't Go My Way', 'Mariposa'.
YOU WILL LIKE, IF YOU LIKE: Deb Never, Jawny, Brockhampton, boy pablo, Dominic Fike, Omar Apollo, Roy Blair, Kevin Abstract… and having a pizza party with your best friends.

COUP DE MAIN: In 'Things Won't Go My Way' you contemplate the idea of choice in life - "No control of this life we live / No control in this life we own," which is interesting, because I feel like humans try so desperately to have control in their lives. What advice would you give people who are frustrated with how things are going in their lives?
PEACH TREE RASCALS - DOM: My best advice would be to take a step back to determine what isn’t making you happy. Adding more things to your life that provide happiness, even when things are going totally wrong in other areas of your life, allows you to appreciate the good things as they come, and make the bad things feel less bad.

CDM: In 'Mango' you sing, "Play every chord until my fingers broke / I gotta have it just to feed my soul." What is it about the music creation process which feeds your soul?
PEACH TREE RASCALS - TARREK: I think just being unequivocally ourselves. So many people are focused on being the next big thing. We want to be the biggest thing possible too… but we want to get there by creating music that is genuine to us as individuals.

CDM: I love the lines following that, "Take apart everything they taught ya / And go live like there’s no one other than you." Why do you think it's important for people to realise they need to pave their own path, as opposed to following a set of rules or guidelines for their lives?
PEACH TREE RASCALS - ISSAC: I think society sets this standard that everyone has to do things one way, like go to college, get a corporate job, etc. or else you’re not doing it right. There’s no one that can tell you you’re doing things wrong because it’s your life and you need to do what’s best for you. At the end of the day, we all just want to be happy and fulfilled. You can’t be those things living someone else’s dream.

CDM: How does the Peach Tree Rascals music-making process work?
TARREK: It totally depends, sometimes Joe, Issac or I come to Dom with a verse or chorus and we build around that. Or, we go into a session together and build everything together from scratch. Lots of times, each piece is written by a separate individual. We have a very interesting collaboration of individual, but also a group effort. Recently, we’ve been collaborating with some close friends, which has been refreshing too. Overall, at the end of the day, Dom directs all things music and has the final say.

CDM: Do you write lyrics specifically for the songs, or do you write poems or prose and then evolve them into song-form?
PEACH TREE RASCALS - JOSEPH: I think it’s a combination. It always just comes down to whatever we think tells the story the best. We love to tell stories through music that are individual to us, but relatable to lots of other people.

CDM: Lyrically, what's your favourite song that you’ve written?
JOSEPH: 'Mariposa' it’s just so special. I think there’s so much more life in that song.

CDM: I love in 'Mariposa' when you sing, "My heart is like an open door." What was running through your mind writing the bridge of that song?
JOSEPH: When I wrote that bridge I just wanted to say that my love is always going to have a place for her whenever she’s ready and that I could show her a new perspective on how to be properly loved.

CDM: What do you think is the difference between a good song and a great song?

CDM: At what age did you write your very first song ever, and what was it about?
ISSAC: I think I was twelve when I wrote a rap song… I was inspired by my brother who is also a musician. It was pretty bad, to be honest… but I put so much practice in and I’m so proud of the progress I’ve made.

CDM: What do you hope for people to take away from listening to Peach Tree Rascals?
JOSEPH: I just want people to feel and see the best versions of themselves and for people to know that even when things feel dark, there’s happiness near.

CDM: You guys are creatively in charge of all aspects of Peach Tree Rascals. Why is the visual element of your music (videos/imagery) such a crucial part of this project?
JORJE: I think it’s important to have a brand as an artist that people can relate and identify with. We’ve always felt like independent music is so dark, and sometimes that’s great. But, we wanted something that felt more bright and happy. We want people to feel like that when they hear our music, or when they feel sad - at least optimistic.

CDM: If P.E.A.C.H. T.R.E.E. R.A.S.C.A.L.S. were an acronym, what would each letter stand for?
P - Personable
E - Easy-going
A - Amusing
C - Considerate
H - Happy

T - Trusting
R - Rambunctious
E - Empathetic
E - Excited

R - Rowdy
A - Adventurous
S - Shy
C - Creative
A - Appreciative
L - Lucky
S - Sexy

CDM: What’s on your bucket-list?
JORJE: To play Red Rocks. I’d love to play an outdoor venue like that, I have all these ideas visually of how we would make the show look.

CDM: If you could steal one thing without consequence what would it be?
ISSAC: Probably my soul back from Satan…

CDM: If you were a country, what would be your national anthem?
ISSAC: No question… 'Snap Your Fingers' by Lil Jon.

CDM: What are your top five necessities for isolation/quarantine/lockdown?
ISSAC: Weed, water, food, speakers… weed.

CDM: You’re one of our 'must-know’ artist picks for 2020… who are yours?
PEACH TREE RASCALS: P-Lo, NBA Youngboy, Dominic Fike, BENEE, Bülow, Dijon.

Watch the 'Mango' music video below...

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