
Maggie Rogers returns with new song 'Don't Forget Me' + announces third studio album.

Maggie Rogers returns with new song 'Don't Forget Me' + announces third studio album.

Maggie Rogers is back with new single, 'Don't Forget Me', that comes with the announce of her third studio album of the same name. The album will be released on April 12th

Rogers shares on the albuim: “I wanted to make an album that sounded like a Sunday afternoon. Worn in denim. A drive in your favourite car. No make up, but the right amount of lipstick. Something classic. The mohair throw and bottle of Whiskey in Joan Didion’s motel room.  An old corvette. Vintage, but not overly Americana. I wanted to make an album to belt at full volume alone in your car, a trusted friend who could ride shotgun and be there when you needed her.” 

Watch the video for the title track below...


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