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Interview: Jay Watson and Joe Keery on everything important and everything in between.

Interview: Jay Watson and Joe Keery on everything important and everything in between.

Hailing from Perth, Jay Watson has become one of Australia's most well-known multi-instrumentalists - utilising his musical talents along with his best friends in Tame Impala and Pond, as well as creating his own solo music under the moniker Gum. Gum’s latest album ‘Flash In The Pan’ is an amalgam of Jay’s influences, fusing future-soul with the psychedelic.

As well as playing Steve Harrington in Netflix’s breakout show of last year, ‘Stranger Things’, Joe Keery makes up one sixth of Post Animal, a Chicago-based psychedelic rock band who are heavily influenced by the likes of Pond, King Gizzard And The Lizard Wizard, and others in the modern psych scene.

One December afternoon, we connected a lengthy phone call between Atlanta, Georgia [where Joe has been filming Season 2 of 'Stranger Things’] and Brisbane, Australia [where Jay was embarking on an Australian tour with Pond] to let the two talk about literally everything - from their common interests, recording music, touring, Laneway Festival, and more…

JOE KEERY: It's crazy to talk to you! I’ve listened to your records for quite some time.
JAY WATSON: Thank you!
JOE: I found out about Pond when I was a Freshman in college, like five or six years ago.
JAY: First year of college, right?
JOE: Yeah, first year.

JAY: Well thank you! I’m a huge fan of ‘Stranger Things’ too. I think pretty much everyone watched that this year. I feel like even Rihanna watched it…
JOE: Rihanna watched it?
JAY: No, I just mean, like everyone. That and ‘Westworld’ are like the hot tickets this year, I think, for TV.
JOE: That’s a good show too. Anyway, what I wanted to ask you, is how do you balance your time? You’re touring with Tame Impala, and touring with Pond, and then somehow managing to record stuff on your own. How do you do it all? Do you live in Australia still?
JAY: I just moved back to Australia from London - I lived there for two years. I don’t know... Other than actually playing the shows-- we don’t record for very long, ever. And we mix stuff over the Internet, we’re mixing the new Pond album now, and we’re just in a group WhatsApp chat with Kevin [Parker] who’s mixing it. So it seems like it’s lots of stuff, but it’s really just, making a cup of tea, interviews, half mixing the album over WhatsApp. It’s just slowly chipping away.
JOE: Wow.
JAY: Sometimes it gets a bit much - lately, I’ve kinda felt like a holiday or something. But usually it’s just doing one thing, then feeling like you could’ve done better with that, and then kind of wanting to do another one as quickly as possible.

JOE: Totally. The same thing kind of happened with you, it kind of exploded all of a sudden - what was the beginning of y’all?  Did it just explode with Tame Impala? What was that like?
JAY: It was fairly... I guess the initial thing was a bit crazy because Kevin had a MySpace, and he just got a message from this record label called Modular, which isn’t going anymore, but it was quite a big deal in Australia in the 2000s. Then we just started playing these showcase things for them in Sydney and Melbourne, and then it just went crazy. But it was all little incremental things and jumps - looking back it seems crazy, but at the time it was just playing slightly bigger shows, or playing slightly later at a festival or something.

JOE: Cool. Damn, dude. Especially the stuff that you guys do with Pond, it’s really nice to listen to a group that doesn’t sound like you recreate an album. It sounds like you just get together and write for-- it sounds like a short amount of time, and then just put it together and record the whole thing. That’s cool, your set-up in that band.
JAY: We tend to just make up-- because we all have solo things too, so we’ll just have like, each year, we’ll have 20 things and then either the best or the most appropriate kind of songs we give to Pond. And sometimes I’ll show the other guys something that I think is an absolute banger, and they’ll go, “Eh, whatever,” and then they’ll like something I was just gonna use on my solo thing. We just e-mail stuff back and forth, but then by the time we actually-- we have a couple of weeks together every year around Summer/Christmas time, and that’s usually when we record.
JOE: Is it tough? How do you decide? Do you ever say, “Oh, I want to keep this one for my own stuff?” How do you pick and choose?
JAY: Because Pond stuff has a bit more reach than our solo stuff, you kind of want to put your best foot forward. Not only because it’s more fun to do the song with other people--
JOE: With your best friends?
JAY: Yeah, exactly. And also probably more people are gonna hear it, which is always a good thing. But then, Kevin told me off on the last Pond record because I poached [Shiny] Joe’s two best songs off his solo album for the Pond album. So Joe had two songs on his solo album that were almost finished, and I was like, “Oh, nah we’re having them, we’re taking them off.” They were completely finished and by themselves and I just made him take them off and put them on the Pond album. And Kevin was like, “What are you doing? You just took his two best songs off his solo album.” I don’t think he minded, we’ll see.
JOE: I kinda think that’s a cool way to do that. Everybody should be willing to give the best tracks to the group of guys, and then the other stuff is just stuff you work on on your own. If you want it to rock, you want the thing with your friends to be totally fun.
JAY: Yeah. And also even though we don’t really think about playing live, it’s more fun, especially for certain types of songs. If you’re gonna be playing for two months straight, playing the same songs, you kinda wanna bring your more fun ones to the game.

JOE: You don’t want to be stuck playing the worst ones. You must switch around what you play in the band for Pond? Do you go from playing drums to playing guitar? How does that work? How do you decide?
JAY: I think we kind of like changing it for each album - just so touring is suddenly really exciting, when you have to rehearse for the new album. So now I’m playing bass for the new album, I’ve never played bass in a band really, and it’s really fun. The first few shows on the U.S. tour we just did, I kept going over to the guitar tech, “Am I playing that bass right?” I don’t actually know what I’m doing, and it made the last tour a lot more exciting than if I’d done the tour on drums - it’d be rote fills.
JOE: Keeps you on your toes.
JAY: I also like the idea that in 10 years, if you look at Pond sets on YouTube, there’s all these wildly different incarnations of it. And then it sounds different each tour, with different people playing - even if they’re playing the exact same part, it sounds different just because they’re playing it slightly different.

JOE: I’m a huge fan of King Gizzard And The Lizard Wizard. I’ve seen them a bunch of times, in Austin, Texas a number of times, and in Chicago where I’m from--
JAY: That’s who I’m with today! We’re in Brisbane, on the first show of a festival around Australia.
JOE: That’s what I was going to say, Gizzfest!
JAY: Yeah, we’re all in the same hotel. We’ve had a few beers.
JOE: That’s excellent. You should see Mild High Club too, that band is so good.
JAY: I really like that album they put out.
JOE: The most recent one ['Skiptracing'], me and my roommates have just not been able to stop listening to it.
JAY: Cool sleeve, cool cover too. I’ve only met the singer, Alex [Brettin], but he’s a really nice guy.
JOE: Yeah, those guys are from my neck of the woods. I think they’re from Chicago, but they live in L.A.
JAY: Where are you from? Chicago?
JOE: From Boston, Massachusetts, but living in Chicago ‘cuz I went to school there. Now, for shooting the second season [of ‘Stranger Things’], I just moved down to Atlanta, Georgia. So that’s kind of cool, it’s got some cool stuff going on down there.
JAY: It’s the magic city where all the trap comes from!
JOE: Actually! There’s a crazy scene - it’s not trap, but I’ve already seen some really great hip-hop shows. Actually, The Lemon Twigs just came through.
JAY: I opened for them in London a few months ago. They’re so young.
JOE: I didn’t hear them until about a week or so before the show, and then I found out they were 17 and 19 or something - really, really young!


Gizzfest Melbourne Barrier collapsed so we made Joe do his human autotune Daft Punk impression while they fixed it...

A video posted by GUM/POND/TAMEIMPALA (@jay.w.watson) on

JOE: They just gave me a big fat mullet haircut for this TV show, so I keep thinking, 'At least that dude from The Lemon Twigs has a mullet and looks kinda cool doing it.'
JAY: You’re getting a longer one for the second season?
JOE: Yeah. <laughs> It’s a normal thing going on on the top, but then just really, really crazy on the back - really long.
JAY: Nice. What year is it roughly? Mid-80s?
JOE: It was ’83, the first season. I think this season is gonna be ’84.
JAY: Awesome. I can’t wait for the second one. How good is the synth stuff in the show?
JOE: Oh yeah, so good. Those dudes [S U R V I V E] who did it are really great. I spent a week with those guys in Austin, Texas, because I just happened to be down there around the time that the show was coming out, and I met those guys. I saw them live a couple of times too, and they are so awesome. They can recreate that sound live really well, which is great. I was hoping to learn a few things from those guys. <laughs>
JAY: I bet they go pretty nerdy and deep on that stuff.

JOE: Yes! <laughs> So are you guys doing another Pond tour after Gizzfest?
JAY: We’re doing a few one-off shows in Perth over Summer, like New Year’s Eve and stuff. The new album will come out around April, so it’ll go a bit gangbusters from there. I don’t think Tame Impala’s touring at all next year, so we’ll be able to tour lots with Pond.
JOE: Oh that’s really nice, you can take a little bit of a break I imagine.
JAY: Yeah, well I’m much more inclined to want to do month-long tours, when I know I don’t have to go straight on tour with Tame Impala a week after, you know?
JOE: Right. How long were the tours for Tame Impala? Like months? It must’ve been like 12 months or something crazy.
JAY: Yeah, but in one block, it’s normally like a month max. Anything over that and you start wanting to shoot yourself in the face. <laughs>
JOE: Does it take a lot out of you, being on the road for that long?
JAY: Uhhh, more mentally. For me, it’s just the Groundhog Day-ness of it - because you can choose to get fucked up every night, or you can choose to have a miso soup and go to bed.
JOE: At first it’s probably like really romantic, like you wanna do exactly what you think you should do - drink a bunch and get totally fucked up - but I couldn’t do that for even three days. I’d be a total wasteoid, I’d be dead.
JAY: I think the reason that people do, and the reason that you can, is because of the adrenaline. You’ll wake up pretty hungover, feeling rotten, you’re like, “There’s no way,” and then it’s like, ten minutes until you’re on and you’re still feeling rotten, so you’re like, “I guess I better have a beer to feel good enough to play,” and then you get the adrenaline. Then straight after you come off stage you’re like, “Woo!” It just kind of works in repeat for months.
JOE: What if you throw up? What if you’re totally sick and throwing up? You just gotta do it?
JAY: I don’t really get that. Poor Kevin, he often gets that - but, it’s kind of like, you can’t help it. You go on wanting to go home, and give your Mum a cuddle, and then you come off like fucking Liam Gallagher. <laughs>
JOE: <laughs> Total rocker at the end of the show.

JOE: You guys have played for a crazy amount of people, I can’t even imagine how it must be... insane. Is South America crazy? I know for the show, a lot of Brazilian people reach out on social media. I can only imagine for music.
JAY: Yeah, South America - I was saying to the King Gizzard [And The Wizard Lizard] guys last night, how big or small your band, it’s pretty much double the amount of people you play to compared to in the States or Australia or something. When Pond played Boston, there were like 200 people there, and then some of the shows in South America was like 1,000 people. And we were like, “Whoah!”
JOE: I can’t even imagine that jump. That is fucking crazy.
JAY: It was fun though, and good for your ego.
JOE: Yeah, I bet. Totally.

COUP DE MAIN: Jay, your new GUM album ‘Flash In The Pan’ was a bit of a surprise release. Was there a reasoning behind the almost instant release?
JAY: I just wanted to do it before all the Pond stuff started winding into gear. People don’t really let you put out albums in December or early January - it’s not that they don’t let; I don’t think it’s very good timing for it. So it was either November, or a month or two before the Pond record - so I just kinda fitted it in there.

CDM: You did a cover of The Silents’ song ‘Ophelia’ on the record - it’s rad! What made you decide to cover that particular song?
JAY: I just always really liked the song - it was my favourite song. They were our favourite band when we started in Perth, and actually, Jamie Terry from that band is in Pond now, which is pretty funny. He’s been playing in Pond for years, actually. They were kind of five years older than the rest of us, we looked up to them. I always liked the song, and the original was quite a rock and grungy song, but I always thought the chords and stuff could be turned into a really washed-out tune, that sort of thing.

CDM: When you released ‘Gemini’, you said that you don’t believe in star-signs. Why do you think humans choose to place belief in things like this? Do you think it’s like a coping mechanism for people?
JAY: For me, it’s the fact that people want to know that they matter. Whereas, my Dad’s a scientist, so I think from a pretty young age I was told that, at least on a spiritual level, that I don’t really matter. That sounds really nihilistic. I don’t know... I have a lot of respect for people and their beliefs.

CDM: Joe, what star-sign are you? Is it something you’ve placed belief in before?
JOE: Oh, me! I’m a Taurus.
JAY: So you’re strong.
JOE: Strong, and a bull, I guess. I have a cast-mate who’s super interested in that stuff. I gain some stuff from it, but again, I think you kinda read into it what you want to see.
JAY: Yeah. I don’t know. Didn’t the star-sign dates get moved? Like, I’m a Gemini, but I don’t think I am anymore. Didn’t they figure out that they had it all wrong by a week or something? <laughs> I don’t know. I’m not actually a hater. I’m not actually really an atheist, more like agnostic.

JOE: For your solo stuff, I was trying to listen to it with an open mind in terms of what some of your influences were. For this most recent one, what were the things you were super into at the time? Do you have any that you can think of?
JAY: The one I just put out, I was trying to make it a bit more like a soul and R&B sort of melody, a bit sexier. But then of course, I’ll ruin it by putting it backwards, and making it sound like Chrome or something. It’s kind of a cross between trying to make it a bit slinkier, and then the freak-sabotage at the end.
JOE: That stuff sounds cool. It’s like the line that runs through all three. You do all the mixing and stuff too, right?
JAY: Yeah, I’m getting better. I did the first three myself, but I think I might get someone to help with the next one just because, I’m getting better, but not better enough. <laughs> It doesn’t sound as good as other people’s mixes, but I like doing it myself, because then I have no-one to blame. I always end up regretting the album a few months later. I can only blame myself, I can’t be like, “Oh, that guy fucked up the hi-hats or whatever.”

JOE: Who does all that stuff for Pond? Is it all of you guys? I know Kevin did ‘Beard, Wives, Denim’.
JAY: He’s done all of them since ‘Beard, Wives, Denim’ - ‘Hobo Rocket’, ‘Man It Feels Like Space Again’, and this one. So he mixes all of them. Often, in the past we’ve recorded them with someone else, or ourselves, or however, then sent him the stems. But this one is probably the one he’s produced the most. We recorded quite a bit of it without him there, but with the mixes we’ve kind of given him license to just-- completely move the arrangement around, or change the sound, given him license to go nuts with the mixing. Replace the kick-drum sound with something. <laughs> Just do whatever he thinks would be cool, rather than adhering to the initial stems that we sent him. That’s kinda cool, it’s a bit more futuristic, with his crazy Ableton production.
JOE: That’s cool, it’s almost like he’s a musician in the band.
JAY: Yeah, totally.

JOE: I’m no good at producing music, but it’s definitely a cool skill to have, I imagine.
JAY: It’s good fun. It took me a while to get over the idea that everything-- no matter how good a job I thought I did at writing a song, or mixing, or whatever, everyone would just compare it to Tame Impala. So many reviews were just like, “This is kinda like Tame Impala, but just a bit shittier.”
JOE: That sucks. How do you distance yourself from that? Because you don’t just want everybody to just compare you to them. I imagine it’s not awkward, but just annoying for everyone.
JAY: Yeah, it’s embarrassing for Kevin, and it’s annoying for everyone else. But it’s been going on for so long that it doesn’t bother-- I look at it kind of pragmatically. It’s just bonus press for me, and none of us really pay attention to it. It’s all bonus.
JOE: Right. It’s funny, the reason I ask, is because it’s a similar thing for me. I play in a band, and the people who come to see it recently are just people who are like, “Oh yeah, it’s the dude from ‘Stranger Things’,” and you just gotta think of it as sort of good press. But also, if I hadn’t listened to Tame Impala, I probably would have never found out about GUM, or King Gizzard And The Lizard Wizard, or Pond - or even bands from the States who are kind of like in your wheelhouse, you know what I mean? There’s pluses and negatives to it.
JAY: It kind of spurs you on to want to make more stuff, and more different stuff. It’d be the same with you, trying to get other roles, or different roles - to show people you can do other stuff, that you’re not just the guy from ‘Stranger Things’. I’m not just a guy from Tame Impala.
JOE: Totally. Show your range a little bit.
JAY: Yeah, and I find that kind of fun. Or trying to, not shock people, but they’re like, “Oh, wow, that doesn’t really sound like Tame Impala.” But it’s hard for me, because it’s my whole life - we all listen to the same music, we’re all buddies, and we all spend all of our time together.
JOE: Yeah, you’re all hanging out all the time, of course your influences are gonna be kind of similar.
JAY: Yeah, a few people are like, “The new Pond stuff is sounding exactly as the new Tame stuff, it must be all Kevin’s fault or something ‘cuz he’s mixing it.” It’s more that we’ve all been texting songs on Spotify to each other for two years straight, or listening to the same songs at a party, or albums, or just talking about the same records, like Kanye, extensively. Of course everyone’s stuff is going to move in that direction.
JOE: You just gotta not be friends with any of them, you just gotta drop all your friends. Just kidding, don’t do that, those are your good friends. <laughs>
JAY: I don’t think many of us have many other friends anymore. We’re always having a laugh - imagine the retirement home, everyone’s exaggerated character in 40 years. Joe from Pond, in the nursing-home, ranting and raving. <laughs> He’s a wild-card. I’m rooming with him on tour at the moment, actually. He just asked me to put on the kettle for him. He brings his own tea bags everywhere - Barry’s Irish Tea.
JOE: Is he there right now?
JAY: Yeah, he made me put the kettle on for him.
JOE: Oh, give him my best. Tell him, “Hey!” I saw you guys [as Tame Impala] play, this sounds a little geeky, but I saw you guys play in Chicago at The Riviera Theater, and I talked to Shiny Joe outside. I was just like, “Hey man, good job rolling that stuff out,” and he was wearing his lab coat. He was like, “Oh, hey, thanks man.”
JAY: He would’ve been in full Tame Impala mode.
JOE: Is he running the show? What’s his job?
JAY: He does the visuals - the screen stuff, which is a pretty fun job. I feel like that would be a lot of people’s dream job, just operating a giant LED screen with crazy effects going for an hour.
JOE: All I’m imagining is him back there with a bunch of wires, open wires touching each other--
JAY: He’s got about 4 laptop/monitors - I don’t know why, but yeah, it’s pretty ridiculous. The lab coats are funny, because some people look like scientists as intended - other people look like butchers, cricket umpires. There’s like 15 guys wearing these things, and it doesn’t always work out the way we intended it to look. Our tour manager looks like an Australian rules football umpire. Joe, looks kind of like a scientist - or close enough.
JOE: Joe looks like a scientist. With his sick hairdo, he looks like a mad scientist.

JOE: Do you live in Perth? Because one of our new cast-members is an Aussie - he lives in Perth, and he just graduated from a drama school that was there, and is in the States now.
JAY: Wow. Probably WAAPA [Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts]?
JOE: Yeah, that’s exactly what it is.
JAY: That’s where I went for music. I did five months. I got to the first exam of the first semester, and it was something like classical music and you had to do jazz as well, and the first question was just insane, they’d play this chord riff, or a bass-line, and they gave you one note out of the nine or eight notes, and they were like, “Figure out what the other seven notes are, from this one note.” I was like, “I can’t do this. I just wanna be in a band like The Ramones.” I remember walking out at that question. But I’m sure it would’ve been good if I stuck with it. What’s the cast-member's name?
JOE: His name is Dacre Montgomery. He actually is in the new ‘Power Rangers’ movie, he’s gonna be the red Power Ranger in the new movie.
JAY: Wow. Is there a new 'Power Rangers' coming out?  
JOE: Oh yeah. You’ll see him. He’ll be wearing the red tights and looking strong. It’s crazy to talk to him about it, because the amount of money behind a project like that, it’s massive. So he was the main guy.
JAY: Oh, is the red one the leader?
JOE: He’s the leader.
JAY: It’s like in ‘The Wiggles’, the red one is the leader too.
JOE: <laughs> It’s the same thing as ‘The Wiggles’. Exactly that.

CDM: Jay, I’m not sure if you know but Joe is in a band called Post Animal, and he’s recently switched from drums to playing guitar in the band. Do you have any guitar-tips for him, as a multi-instrumentalist?
JOE: Lay it on me! What have you got for me?
JAY: I feel like I’m getting shittier at everything to be honest. I’m getting better at mixing, the sound part of it, but I think each year I get worse at drumming, definitely.
JOE: Really, why?
JAY: I just don’t do it, ever. I have played on tour, and that’s just playing the same thing that you already know, so you’re just good at doing that one part. I feel like when I was younger, I would sit there in my house and actually play drums all day, or guitar all day - but I can’t remember the last time I played something for a reason, other than not having to get something done.
JOE: Playing the bass, I think that’s the way to do it, that’s the glue of everything - for me at least.

JAY: Are you playing bass in Post Animal?
JOE: No, I’m not playing bass - I just recently in the past year bought a bass because I needed one for recording stuff. It’s quickly become the most fun thing to play. It walks the line between a guitar and a drum-set - it’s the middle ground.
JAY: Totally. I’m having a lot of fun playing bass in Pond. I also like the power - the inversions you can do. If we’re playing like a C-Major, I’ve got the power to play an E and make the whole thing sound a bit weirder. The chord-power. I’ll throw in a wild-card and get thrown a look - somewhere between a glare, and being impressed, from across the stage.
JOE: Playing keys, or the sub-bass, or something - the power to be able to really nail people with that.
JAY: That was always my favourite thing about playing drums at big festivals, was that kick-drum sounded like 'Lords Of Thunder' during soundcheck.
JOE: It must be crazy; I can only imagine. You must feel like the most powerful person alive.
JAY: In Tame Impala now, it’s all in-ear monitors, so you don’t really get that as much. So the recent really big festivals, I often can’t even hear the Front Of House. But back when we started as a garage-rock three-piece, when I was 17 playing festivals in Australia, I felt like, “I’m the Lord Of The Drums!”
JOE: <laughs> Sounding like you’re in Kiss or something? Tearing it up.

CDM: You guys also share a mutual fondness of Pokémon...
JAY: How do you know I like Pokémon?
CDM: Hmmm I saw it on social media somewhere.
JAY: Oh, I think Kevin snapchatted me playing in an airport. I’ve been meaning to get the same games that I had as a kid, just purely for nostalgia. And then when that new Pokémon game came out-- I knew about Pokémon Go, but I remembered I wanted to get into the stuff from when I was 13. I bought it and then just basically played it until I finished it in three days, and then I bought another one off eBay.
JOE: Oh, dude. That was the best. Blue and Red, those are the real deal.
JAY: The only games I played before that were Donkey Kong. Also, I was never really good at video games and I would get really frustrated with dying just before a checkpoint in the first level of Donkey Kong. I got fed up. Whereas Pokémon was a bit more, not that hard, but a bit more intellect based than just coordination, which I was always pretty shit at on the old Game Boy.
JOE: It’s more strategy.
JAY: That was the first game I played, so I love it. I don’t know if I’m gonna get the new one yet, I think I will. I don’t know how much those 3DS things cost now, I’ll suss it out.

CDM: Jay, you’re coming back next year to New Zealand to headline Laneway Festival with Tame Impala. How would you describe Laneway to someone who’s never been before - i.e. to Joe?
JAY: You’ve got to try and get over here - talk to Danny [Rogers], the main guy. It’s probably my favourite one, just because of the way it travels around. Australian festivals, a lot of them anyway, you play in each city, and they move around. In the States you’d never do a festival all around the States with the same bands - because that’s pretty ambitious. But Australia is so far away from the UK and the US, if bands come out, you don’t ever just wanna do one show because it costs so much to come out. Because it’s flying and it’s hard logistically, you get lots of days off - so for overseas bands, they come to Australia for two weeks and play five shows, and go to the beach on their days off, so it’s really fun. You make friends with the bands.
JOE: I want to go to that! That sounds so fun - you just hang out, play a bunch of shows, go to the beach, and hang out with friends.
JAY: Yeah, and people play side-shows on the days off, so you make friends with people. Then you have two days between the Melbourne and Sydney show, so everyone goes to side-shows.
JOE: That sounds so fun.
JAY: It’s the best festival in terms of band-comradery.
JOE: Do you get to travel with the other bands?
JAY: Often you’re on the same flight for the whole tour. There’s normally 40 of us, and we’re all getting in the same vans and buses from the airport to the hotels.
JOE: That’s like you guys are all going to camp together!
JAY: Yeah, it’s like rock-camp.
JOE: The people who aren’t in the bands on those flights are gonna be like, “What is going on?!”
JAY: It’ll be like a 80-100 seat plane, and half the plane will be like smelly, moustaches from bands.
JOE: That’s hilarious.
JAY: No doubt. I’ll try and get a photo and ‘gram it, and show you somehow.
JOE: Oh, if you get a photo of that, I gotta see it.

Tame Impala play Laneway Festival next week (click here for more info), and Gum’s new album ‘Flash In The Pan’ is out now (click here to purchase).

Joe Keery is currently filming Season 2 of ‘Stranger Things’, and his band Post Animal’s ‘Garden Series’ EP is out now (click here to purchase).

Watch Gum’s ‘Gemini’ music video and Post Animal’s ‘Goggles’ music video below…

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