
An online accompaniment to CDM #7 - The Future Zine.

An online accompaniment to CDM #7 - The Future Zine.

The theme of this month's DIY zine is 'future' and we have contributions this month from guest curators: Broods and Elio. 

Exclusively for this print zine, each guest curator has put together two pages relating to what future means to them.

+ thank you to Wyatt Knowles for designing the cover of this month's zine!

Here's a li'l rundown of our curators + film pages this month:

The Kiwi duo, Caleb and Georgia Nott, have a new album titled 'space island' being released on February 18th which includes singles: 'Like A Woman', 'Heartbreak' and 'Piece of my Mind'.

“The aim was to make this album a very visceral experience, when you’re in that grief process, your whole body is in it - the feeling is so much deeper and more ambiguous than anything that can be explained in words alone.”

Los Angeles-based and Swansea-born pop star Elio, also known as Charlotte Lee, describes herself as an "all over the place listener" with her inspirations coming through boldly through her music. New music is coming soon from Elio so make sure to keep an ear out... 

"A young woman battles indecisiveness as she traverses the troubled waters of her love life and struggles to find her career path."

"Two single women meet in a hospital room where they are both going to give birth. One is middle aged and doesn't regret it, while the other is adolescent and scared. The two women form a strong bond with one another as they both confront motherhood."

"Johnny is an emotionally stunted and softspoken radio journalist who travels the country interviewing a variety of kids about their thoughts concerning their world and their future. Then Johnny's saddled with caring for his young nephew Jesse. Jesse brings a new perspective and, as they travel from state to state, effectively turns the emotional tables on Johnny."

Order this month's DIY here or below... 

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