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Watch: President Obama’s post-election statement.

Watch: President Obama’s post-election statement.

In the wake of yesterday’s U.S. election results, President Obama has delivered a statement imploring Americans to remember to respect each other and unite, as well as thanking Hillary Clinton for sending "a message to our daughters all across the country that they can achieve at the highest levels of politics".

This part is especially important:

"To the young people who got into politics for the first time and may be disappointed by the results, I just want you to know, you have to stay encouraged. Don’t get cynical. Don’t ever think you can’t make a difference. As Secretary Clinton said this morning, fighting for what is right is worth it. Sometimes you lose an argument, sometimes you lose an election. The path that this country has taken has never been a straight line, we zig and we zag, and sometimes we move in ways that some people think is forward and some think is moving back - and that’s okay."

Watch the statement below...

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