
Read: An extract from Lana Del Rey's poetry book 'Violet Bent Backwards Over The Grass'.

Read: An extract from Lana Del Rey's poetry book 'Violet Bent Backwards Over The Grass'.

"So that day on my birthday I thought something has to change, it can't always be about waiting for you," confides Lana Del Rey in 'SportCruiser' - a highlight from her debut book of poetry, 'Violet Bent Backwards Over The Grass' (also available as a spoken word audiobook featuring Lana reading fourteen poems accompanied by music from Jack Antonoff), which seems to reference the same period of time in Lana's life as her song 'Mariners Apartment Complex' from the 2019 album, 'Norman Fucking Rockwell!'.

About her book, Lana says: "'Violet Bent Backwards Over The Grass' is the title poem of the book and the first poem I wrote of many. Some of which came to me in their entirety, which I dictated and then typed out, and some that I worked laboriously picking apart each word to make the perfect poem. They are eclectic and honest and not trying to be anything other than what they are and for that reason I’m proud of them, especially because the spirit in which they were written was very authentic."

Read 'SportCruiser' in full below...

Extracted from 'Violet Bent Backwards Over The Grass' by Lana Del Rey (Simon & Schuster, RRP $45.00).

Enter to win a hardcover edition of 'Violet Bent Backwards Over The Grass' and the audiobook on vinyl here on our Instagram or below.

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