Must-listen: Holly Humberstone's new song 'The Walls Are Way Too Thin'.
Must-listen: Holly Humberstone's new song 'The Walls Are Way Too Thin'.

With the promise of her highly-anticipated second EP due later this year, Holly Humberstone has today shared a new song, 'The Walls Are Way Too Thin', which follows up 'Haunted House'.
About her new song, Humberstone says: "I wrote this song about moving to London on my own, I was away from my family and all of a sudden everything that I knew to be normal had changed completely. It was a very strange period, I moved on a whim into this little dingy room and the state of the place was awful, the walls were damp, there was stains all over the mattresses, glass smashed on the floor and it was generally very gross. I met some cool people but I was generally feeling very lonely and claustrophobic in my tiny lil room. I'm such an awkward person and even though I really liked my housemates I still felt worried about small talk in the kitchen after a tiring day. I had some fun times there, but I felt like I was mostly confined to my room whilst chaos was going on in the flats or streets around us. To avoid confronting how I was feeling I'd sneak out the flat and go on train journeys to see my mates, get drunk, then come back hungover through the night or morning. I wrote most of Walls and the songs that are coming next on those trains. It was my place of therapy, in the middle of nowhere, without much of a destination."
And about the accompanying video: "The video is also out now and it's my fave one yet, it's a little stressful to watch but i wanted it to reflect the feelings I was going through when I was writing the song. I rarely left the flat and it felt like I was stuck in there with my own internal anxiety rising. The idea of being stuck in an air vent in a burning building came from that feeling of claustrophobia and panic that I felt throughout my time living in the flat. Shooting the video was chaotic, my elbows and knees look quite different now after 8 hours of crawling back and forth. The fire blast in the vent was totally real too! I'm not going to lie, I was shitting myself."
Watch 'The Walls Are Way Too Thin' music video below...
P.S. Read our latest interview with Holly here.