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Premiere + Photo Diary: Annalia’s 'Dust' music video.

Premiere + Photo Diary: Annalia’s 'Dust' music video.

After making her debut last year with ‘Jealous’, Los Angeles native (via Nashville, where she studied for 4 years) Annalia has followed up with ‘Dust’ - from the singer-songwriter's forthcoming EP - which we’re excited to be premiering the music video for today.

For fans of Haim, The Aces, and guitar riffs from The 1975, ‘Dust’ sees Annalia at her very best (plus, the song was produced by Maggie Rogers’ collaborator Andy Seltzer) - with an accompanying choreographed music video, which she choreographed herself.

About what inspired the music video, Annalia told us: "Dance has been a part of my life ever since I can remember. Since it's such a creative outlet, it was completely natural for me to start envisioning choreography to the song. I have a lot of friends that I grew up with who are heavily involved in the entertainment industry, so I reached out to one, Taylor Green, to see if he'd be interested in creating with me. He was stoked on the idea so we got in the studio and started piecing everything together. It was really cool to get to join my two passions together. It's always been in my plans… this just seemed like the right time to introduce it."

And about the filming, she said: "The entire process was simple and quick. I found an amazing videographer, Kelby Singhaus, we found the perfect location, and next thing I knew, he handed me a fully finished video that completely encompassed my vision. It's been super encouraging to find good people to work with who are as excited about my project as I am! Funny side note: both my socks ripped and my big toes made a nice appearance in the video, if you look hard enough!"

Watch the music video, and check out Annalia's photo diary below too...

A little glimpse into what my days look like…

Constantly getting beautiful views of the back of producers' heads.

Days off at the beach.

Choreographing and training dancers.

Writing tunes / making demos.

Hangin with my pup, Milo.

Hiding behind microphones and occasionally singing into them.

Making Jackson record cover videos after writing our own jams.

Performing live (this was BMI's Acoustic Lounge in LA).

Casually posing with vehicles.

And dancing, duh.

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