
Coup De Main x Orcon - procrastinatory joy for your December 2016.

Coup De Main x Orcon - procrastinatory joy for your December 2016.

Because we spend so much of our time online (both for work purposes and also in our spare time, obviously), we’ve decided to team up with our friends at Orcon to bring you monthly compilations of various things/videos/people that you should be including in your life each month.

We’re open to suggestions, so if there’s anything funny or topical you’ve seen online that you think we’d like, just tweet it to us - @coupdemain.

Without further ado, check out five things to spend your time watching below (from YouTube videos, to an entire Netflix series)…

#1. If you're wanting an adrenaline boost without leaving the couch, then this video lifted from 'Planet Earth II' (a BBC nature documentary series) chronicling the story of an iguana trying to survive while being chased by a vast number of snakes is truly thrilling.

#2. In case you’ve missed the news, Vine (the six-second video sharing platform) is closing down. In commemoration of the closing, we’ve found a few of our favourites:

#3. A new trailer has been released for the upcoming film ‘La La Land’ (starring Emma Stone and Ryan Gosling) - and it looks AMAZING, and is set for release on December 26th in NZ cinemas. Watch the new trailer below:

#4. If you’re looking for a new show to watch on Netflix, we’ve got you covered. ‘Luke Cage’ is the continuation of the Marvel universe on Netflix, starring Mike Colter as Luke Cage - who first appeared in ‘Jessica Jones’.

Watch the trailer below:

#5. Jimmy Kimmel has started a Halloween tradition called, “Hey Jimmy Kimmel I Told My Kids I Ate All Their Halloween Candy,” and for the past six years it’s been getting even more hilarious.

Watch the children’s anger unravel below:

P.S. Orcon have a range of Internet plans to suit everyone, and their Ultra Fast Broadband plans mean you’ll never have to wait for Netflix to buffer again. Click here for more information on them.

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