
Billie Eilish criticises body-shaming culture and challenges traditional gender norms of submissive women in new tour interlude video.

Billie Eilish criticises body-shaming culture and challenges traditional gender norms of submissive women in new tour interlude video.

Billie Eilish kicked off her 'Where Do We Go?' World Tour last night in Miami, debuting an all-new video interlude featuring a powerful monologue in which Eilish concludes, "Is my value based only on your perception? Or is your opinion of me not my responsibility?"

Eilish also criticises body-shaming culture: "Do my shoulders provoke you? Does my chest? Am I my stomach? My hips? This body I was born with is it not what you wanted? If I wear what is comfortable I am not a woman. If I shed the layers I am a slut. Though you've never seen my body you still judge it and judge me for it. Why? You make assumptions about people based on their size. We decide who they are. We decide what they're worth."

And traditional gender norms of submissive women: "Would you like me to be smaller? Weaker? Softer? Taller? Would you like me to be quiet?"

Read the full speech below:

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