
Interview: Amy Shark on her upcoming NZ show.

Interview: Amy Shark on her upcoming NZ show.

Ahead of critically acclaimed Australian singer-songwriter Amy Shark’s upcoming New Zealand show next week (and forthcoming 'Night Thinker' EP release on April 21st), we talked to the Gold Coast musician via e-mail about 'Adore' taking out #2 on the Triple J Hottest 100, her songwriting process, and some pro fishing-tips.

COUP DE MAIN: It’s exciting that you’ve chosen New Zealand as the first place for you to ever play an international show! Did you enjoy your time in NZ last year?
I always enjoy NZ, it's kind of like a second home for me now.

CDM: What else did you get up to aside from fishing in the Marlborough Sounds?
I usually hit a few happy hours around Nelson, especially at the Sprig & Fern.

CDM: Do you have any pro fishing-tips?
Relax and take your time, if it's hooked properly it won't escape - also throwing down burley is a must!

CDM: Are you looking forward to your show in Auckland?
I've heard Auckland has a great live music scene, so I am extremely excited to get over there!

CDM: What can we look forward to from your live show?
Every now and then I forget that I'm not Missy Elliott and really regret certain dance moves once I see them being posted online. Also most of my music is quite intense and autobiographical, so I like to chat about certain songs throughout the night.


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CDM: Congrats on 'Adore' placing #2 on Triple J’s Hottest 100! What was going through your mind when you heard the first strum of 'Adore' play at #2?
I was a disgraceful, drunk, sobbing mess, and I may have had a micro heart-attack.

CDM: The sentiment of 'Adore' is really romantic, and it definitely inspires confidence for anyone feeling head-over-heels. Do you have any advice for those that are nervous about making a move?
My advice is to be wherever they are - parties, clubs, coffee shops... just be visible. No-one can picture you naked if you're not in front of them LOL.

CDM: How does your songwriting process work?
There's no real process for me really. I never know what I'm going to write about until I'm half way through a song usually, and then I’ll be like, 'Oh that’s what I wanna say.'

CDM: Do you write your lyrics specifically for the songs, or do you write poems or prose and then evolve them into song-form?
One of my favourite things about songwriting is the melody, so I usually sing some random shit until I hit a cool melody, but usually that’s the time I start saying things I didn't even know I had in my mind. If the right words to come to me straight away, I usually start on a new song.

CDM: What do you think is the difference between a good song and a great song?
One is well written with great production, and the other has someone’s blood all over it.

CDM: At what age did you write your very first song ever, and what was it about?
I was about 16 and it was called 'Backbone', I think it was about standing up to people who are weak

CDM: What do you hope for people to take away from listening to your music?
I hope they get the same feeling I get when I hear a song that connects deeply with me - goosebumps and obsession.

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CDM: It’s rad that you shot and directed your video for 'Adore' yourself. Is this something you want to try and continue doing for future videos?
I have actually just co-produced and directed the video for my second single, and as much as I absolutely love it, I just don't have the time anymore. I will always be heavily involved, but I may get some more help in the future.

CDM: If you were a country, which song would be your national anthem?
NZ - 'Team' by Lorde.

CDM: When can we expect to hear an album from you?
This year.

CDM: What’s on your bucket-list?
Coachella & Splendour :)

Watch Amy Shark’s music video for 'Adore' below...

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