
Jack Antonoff has mailed fans Bleachers puzzle pieces.

Jack Antonoff has mailed fans Bleachers puzzle pieces.

Bleachers fans have today woken up to much excitement, with several of those who had followed instructions last month to send a self-addressed stamped envelope to a New Jersey address having now received back in the mail some sheet music, a numbered puzzle piece, and a polaroid photo of Jack Antonoff in the studio - assumedly working on Bleachers Album #3.

It can be surmised that the sheet music is most likely a teaser for the next Bleachers song to be released from the new album, and that the puzzle pieces being sent to fans will join together to reveal the new album's cover artwork.

UPDATE: It's now been revealed that there are three different puzzles to solve!

Fans have joined together to help solve the puzzles and some of their current efforts follow below:

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